
Infinite Limits

>    restart;
with( plots ):

Warning, the name changecoords has been redefined


Lesson Overview

This lesson continues some of the discussions begun in the Limits at Infinity lesson. The first goal is to complete our knowledge about limits at infinity for all power functions. With this information it will be possible to evaluate all limits at infinity (or negative infinity) of rational polynomials -- including those in which the degree of the numerator is larger than the degree of the denominator. Functions that are not defined at points because of problems with division by zero are considered next. Because these limit points are finite, it is necessary to consider both two-sided and one-sided limits. The lesson concludes with the definition of vertical and oblique asymptotes.

The underlying theme for each of these discussions is an infinite limit: limit(f(x),x = a) = infinity . That is, for values of x  near a , all of the function values must be increasing without bound. For one-sided limits values of x  are chosen from only one side of the the limit point. In many ways limits at infinity are the easiest to understand; that is where the discussion begins.


Limits at Infinity for Powers

Reciprocal powers were considered in the Limits at Infinity lesson. To complete that discussion it is necessary to consider the limits limit(x^k,x = infinity)  with k  > 0.

It seems almost obvious that we should expect limit(x,x = infinity) = infinity . Think about what this limit means: as the values of the independent varaiable increase without bound, the function values also increase without bound. Since the function is the identity function, its values are the same as the independent variable. With this result the Identity Law for limits (see the Limit Laws lesson) is now extended to cases when the limit point is a real number, infinity , or -infinity .

In a similar way, the other limit laws can be extended to limits at infinity. While this process is generally straightforward, special care must be recognize when the resulting operation is not defined. For example, the Difference Law does not apply when both functions have infinite limits because infinity-infinity  is undefined. Other problematic situations include 0*infinity  and infinity/infinity . When these indeterminate forms arise, they are handled very much the same way that 0/0  cases were handled in the Conceptual Understanding of Limits lesson.

In addition to this extension of the Limit Laws to limits at infinity, our understanding of limits at infinity for all (rational) powers can be summarized as

  limit(x^k,x = infinity) = PIECEWISE([infinity, `k > 0`],[1, `k = 0`],[0, `k < 0`])  

A visual representation of these results can be seen in the following plot

>    K := [ -3, -2, -4/3, -1, -1/2, 0, 1/2, 1, 4/3, 2, 3]:
F_list := [seq( convert(x^k,surd), k=K )]:
L_list := [seq( sprintf("k=%a",k), k=K )]:
C_list := [red,green,pink,cyan,blue,magenta,blue,cyan,pink,green,red]:
plot( F_list, x=1..5, y=0..20,
      title="Plots of y=x^k for large positive values of x",
      legend=L_list, color=C_list );

[Maple Plot]

The corresponding limits at negative infinity are

  limit(x^k,x = -infinity) = PIECEWISE([infinity, `k = p/q > 0 with p even and q odd`],[-infinity, `k=p/q > 0 with p and q both odd`],[1, `k = 0`],[0, `k = p/q < 0 with q odd`],[`d.n.e.`, `k=p/q with q e...  

The two plots that follow are created by the same Maple commands except that the domain (and range) are changed to reflect the behavior for positive and negative values of x .

A graphical summary of this result is provided in the following plot.

>    P2 := plot( F_list, x=-5..-1, y=-10..10, legend=L_list, color=C_list,
            title="Plots of y=x^k for large negative values of x" ):

[Maple Plot]


The fact that the plot commands to created the plots for positive and for negative values of x differ only in the domain and range. But, notice that the curves for k = 1/2  and k = -1/2  do not appear in the plot for x  < 0. This is consistent with the summary of the limits at negative infinity because the square root function (and any other even root) is not defined for negative numbers.


Example 1 - Rational Function

A new class of problems that we can evaluate is limits at infinity of a rational function in which the numerator has a higher degree than the denominator

>    f1 := (31*x^6-26*x^5-62*x^4+x^3-47*x-91)/(-47*x^5-61*x^4+41*x^3-58*x^2-90*x+53):
n1 := numer( f1 ):
d1 := denom( f1 ):
L1 := Limit( f1, x=infinity ):

Limit((31*x^6-26*x^5-62*x^4+x^3-47*x-91)/(-47*x^5-61*x^4+41*x^3-58*x^2-90*x+53),x = infinity)

The leading degree in the denominator is

>    k := degree(d1);

k := 5

Dividing both numerator and denominator by x^k = x^5  produces the equivalent problem

>    n2 := expand( n1/x^k ):
d2 := expand( d1/x^k ):
f2 := n2/d2:
L2 := Limit( f2, x=infinity ):
L1 = L2;

Limit((31*x^6-26*x^5-62*x^4+x^3-47*x-91)/(-47*x^5-61*x^4+41*x^3-58*x^2-90*x+53),x = infinity) = Limit((-31*x+26+62/x-1/(x^2)+47/x^4+91/x^5)/(47+61/x-41/x^2+58/x^3+90/x^4-53/x^5),x = infinity)

Note that the limit of the denominator exists and is non-zero:

>    d3 := Limit( d2, x=infinity ):
d3 = value(d3);

Limit(47+61/x-41/x^2+58/x^3+90/x^4-53/x^5,x = infinity) = 47

Note that the limit of the numerator is infinity. The (extended) Quotient Rule for limits can be applied to determine the value for this limit

>    L3 := Limit( n2, x=infinity ) / d3:
L2 = L3;
`` = value( L3 );

Limit((-31*x+26+62/x-1/(x^2)+47/x^4+91/x^5)/(47+61/x-41/x^2+58/x^3+90/x^4-53/x^5),x = infinity) = Limit(-31*x+26+62/x-1/(x^2)+47/x^4+91/x^5,x = infinity)/Limit(47+61/x-41/x^2+58/x^3+90/x^4-53/x^5,x = i...

`` = -infinity


The limit as x  decreases without bound can be found in exactly the same manner:

>    L4 := Limit( f1, x=-infinity ):
L5 := Limit( n2, x=-infinity ) / Limit( d2, x=-infinity ):
L4 = L5;
`` = value( L5 );

Limit((31*x^6-26*x^5-62*x^4+x^3-47*x-91)/(-47*x^5-61*x^4+41*x^3-58*x^2-90*x+53),x = -infinity) = Limit(-31*x+26+62/x-1/(x^2)+47/x^4+91/x^5,x = -infinity)/Limit(47+61/x-41/x^2+58/x^3+90/x^4-53/x^5,x = -...

`` = infinity


A plot of this function confirms that these results are reasonable.

>    p1 := plot( f1, x=1..10 ):
p2 := plot( f1, x=-10..-2 ):
display( [p1,p2] );

[Maple Plot]

As before, simply looking at this plot is insufficient. Knowledge about the function's behavior for -10 < x  < -2 and 1 < x  < 10 does not predict anything about its behavior for x  < -10 or x  > 10. The plot is, however, a useful tool when used in combination with the preceding analysis. The analysis of this function will continue in Examples 2 and 4 later in this lesson.


Limits at the Origin for Powers

An observant reader will realize that the plots that there are two plots immediately before Example 1 because something completely different happens near the origin, x = 0 . Here the situation is the complement of the analysis just completed for limits at infinity. The Power Law for limits tell us that limit(x^k,x = 0) = 0  whenever k  is a positive integer  or a rational number with an odd denominator. (If the denominator is even, then limit(x^k,x = 0,right) = 0  but the two-sided limit does not exist.) What happens to negative powers of x near the origin?

The simplest example to consider is f(x) = x^(-1)  = 1/x  for x <> 0 . If x  is a small positive number, then 1/x  is a large positive number and the right-hand limit should be infinity:

  limit(1/x,x = 0,right) = infinity  

If x  is a small negative number, then 1/x  will be a large negative number. This suggests the left-hand limit should be

  limit(1/x,x = 0,left) = -infinity  

Thus, the two-sided limit limit(1/x,x = 0)  does not exist.

Consider now f(x) = x^(-2)  = 1/(x^2)  for x <> 0 . Because x^2  is positive for all x <> 0 , 1/(x^2)  is a large positive number when x  is small -- either positive or negative. Therefore, limit(1/(x^2),x = 0,right)  = limit(1/(x^2),x = 0,left) = infinity  and so the corresponding two-sided limit does exist limit(1/(x^2),x = 0) = infinity .

In general, these limits can be summarized with the following two statements:

  limit(x^k,x = 0,right) = PIECEWISE([0, `k > 0`],[1, `k = 0`],[infinity, `k < 0`])  

  limit(x^k,x = 0,left) = PIECEWISE([0, `k = p/q > 0 with q odd`],[1, `k = 0`],[-infinity, `k = p/q < 0 with p and q both odd`],[infinity, `k = p/q < 0 with p even and q odd`],[`d.n.e.`, `k = p/q with q ...  

There is no reason to create the corresponding summary for two-sided limits. The two sided limit exists only if both one-sided limits exist and are equal.

>    P3 := plot( F_list, x=-2..2, y=-10..10, legend=L_list, color=C_list,
            title="Plots of y=x^k for small values of x" ):

[Maple Plot]


To conclude this discussion, observe that there is a very strong connection between these one-sided limits for powers at zero and the limits for powers at infinity and negative infinity.


Vertical Asymptotes

In the previous section of this lesson we considered only simple powers and limits at the origin.

Recall that the Quotient Rule for Limits can be applied only when the limit of the denominator exists and is not zero. If the limits of the numerator and denominator are both zero, there is a chance that additional manipulation of the function can produce an equivalent formulation of the problem that avoids division by zero. If the limit of the numerator is not zero then we need to consider one-sided limits and be alert to the possibility that one or more of these limits could be infinite.


Definition - Vertical Asymptote

A vertical asymptote  to the graph of y = f(x)  is a (vertical) line x = a  where at least one of the one-sided limits of f(x)  at x = a  is infinity  or -infinity .


For example, the graph of y = x^k  for any k  < 0 has a vertical asymptote at x = 0 .

Note that a function can have more than one vertical asymptote. At each vertical asymptote the graph of a function will jump. (The function could jump at other points as well; this will be discussed in more detail in the Continuity lesson.)

Example 2 - Rational Function (cont.)

The function

  f(x) = (31*x^6-26*x^5-62*x^4+x^3-47*x-91)/(-47*x^5-61*x^4+41*x^3-58*x^2-90*x+53)  

was first encountered in Example 1. At that time it was determined that limit(f(x),x = infinity) = -infinity  and limit(f(x),x = -infinity) = infinity . These analytic results were supported by a plot of the function for -10 < x  < -2 and 1 < x  < 10.

The purpose of this example is to determine any and all vertical asymptotes for this function. Based on the plot produced in Example 1, all vertical asymptotes must occur in the interval -2 < x < 1. Maple can create a very nice plot of this function

>    p3 := plot( f1, x=-2..1, y=-10..20, color=blue, discont=true ):
display( [p1,p2,p3] );

[Maple Plot]


Based on this picture there appear to be three vertical asymptotes. To accurately locate these vertical lines we begin by locating the (real) zeroes of the denominator. Because the denominator is a quintic polynomial with real coefficients it must have five zeroes - including possibly one or two pairs of complex conjugates. It is not possible to find an explicit representation for these roots. Approximations to the real roots of the polynomial are found with the use of the fsolve  command:

>    Zf_r := fsolve( denom(f1)=0, x );

Zf_r := -1.716364793, -1.182055367, .4574797241

The left- and right-hand limits for each of these approximate roots are reported in the following loop:

>    for a in Zf_r do
  LL := Limit( f1, x=a, left ):
  LR := Limit( f1, x=a, right ):
  print( LL = value( LL ), LR = value( LR ) );
end do:

Limit((31*x^6-26*x^5-62*x^4+x^3-47*x-91)/(-47*x^5-61*x^4+41*x^3-58*x^2-90*x+53),x = -1.716364793,left) = 3131834256., Limit((31*x^6-26*x^5-62*x^4+x^3-47*x-91)/(-47*x^5-61*x^4+41*x^3-58*x^2-90*x+53),x =...
Limit((31*x^6-26*x^5-62*x^4+x^3-47*x-91)/(-47*x^5-61*x^4+41*x^3-58*x^2-90*x+53),x = -1.716364793,left) = 3131834256., Limit((31*x^6-26*x^5-62*x^4+x^3-47*x-91)/(-47*x^5-61*x^4+41*x^3-58*x^2-90*x+53),x =...

Limit((31*x^6-26*x^5-62*x^4+x^3-47*x-91)/(-47*x^5-61*x^4+41*x^3-58*x^2-90*x+53),x = -1.182055367,left) = -363607373.6, Limit((31*x^6-26*x^5-62*x^4+x^3-47*x-91)/(-47*x^5-61*x^4+41*x^3-58*x^2-90*x+53),x ...
Limit((31*x^6-26*x^5-62*x^4+x^3-47*x-91)/(-47*x^5-61*x^4+41*x^3-58*x^2-90*x+53),x = -1.182055367,left) = -363607373.6, Limit((31*x^6-26*x^5-62*x^4+x^3-47*x-91)/(-47*x^5-61*x^4+41*x^3-58*x^2-90*x+53),x ...

Limit((31*x^6-26*x^5-62*x^4+x^3-47*x-91)/(-47*x^5-61*x^4+41*x^3-58*x^2-90*x+53),x = .4574797241,left) = -.1153582996e11, Limit((31*x^6-26*x^5-62*x^4+x^3-47*x-91)/(-47*x^5-61*x^4+41*x^3-58*x^2-90*x+53),...
Limit((31*x^6-26*x^5-62*x^4+x^3-47*x-91)/(-47*x^5-61*x^4+41*x^3-58*x^2-90*x+53),x = .4574797241,left) = -.1153582996e11, Limit((31*x^6-26*x^5-62*x^4+x^3-47*x-91)/(-47*x^5-61*x^4+41*x^3-58*x^2-90*x+53),...

While none of these limits is infinite, all values are extremely large. The reason for this is that the roots are only approximate. The large values are strong indications that each of these values is an approximation to a vertical asymptote of the function. Additional support for these values being vertical asymptotes is obtained in the following plot.

>    p4 := implicitplot( {seq(x=a,a=Zf_r)}, x=-2..1, y=-10..20, color=cyan ):
display( [p1,p2,p3,p4], title="Plot of function and vertical asymptotes" );

[Maple Plot]


Example 3 - Trigonometric Function

Vertical asymptotes are found in trigonometric functions whenever a zero is encountered in the denominator. The most common example is the tangent function

>    g := tan(x):
y = g;

y = tan(x)

The tangent function is defined for all values of x for which cos(x) <> 0 . In general, cos(x) = 0  when x  is an odd multiples of Pi/2 . For example,

>    Z := [ seq( (2*k+1)*Pi/2, k=($-3..3) ) ];

Z := [-5/2*Pi, -3/2*Pi, -1/2*Pi, 1/2*Pi, 3/2*Pi, 5/2*Pi, 7/2*Pi]

>    t1 := plot( g, x=-3*Pi..4*Pi, y=-20..20, discont=true ):
t2 := implicitplot( {seq(x=a,a=Z)}, x=-8..12, y=-20..20, color=cyan ):
display( [t1,t2], title="Plot of function and vertical asymptotes" );

[Maple Plot]


Oblique Asymptotes

When the graph of a function, y = f(x) , approaches a horizontal line, y = L , as x  increases or decreases without bound, the line y = L  is a horizontal asymptote of f(x) . A rational function has a horizontal asymptote when the numerator and denominator both have the same degree. An oblique asymptote is similar; the difference is that the line the graph of y = f(x)  approaches can have a non-zero slope.

Definition - Oblique Asymptote

An oblique asymptote  to the graph of y = f(x)  is a  line y = a*x+b  where limit(f(x)-(M*x+L),x = infinity) = 0  or limit(f(x)-(M*x+L),x = -infinity) = 0 .


A rational function has an oblique asymptote only when the degree of the numerator is one more than the degree of the denominator. Long (or synthetic) division can be used to find the equation of the oblique asymptote. (You can stop as soon as you have a remainder whose degree is smaller than the degree of the denominator.)

Example 4 - Rational Function (cont.)

To conclude the investigation of the function considered in Examples 1 and 2, find its oblique asymptote. In this case, long division yields

>    q1 := series( f1, x=infinity, 1 ):
f1 = q1;

(31*x^6-26*x^5-62*x^4+x^3-47*x-91)/(-47*x^5-61*x^4+41*x^3-58*x^2-90*x+53) = -31/47*x+3113/2209+O(1/x)

so that the oblique asymptote is

  y = -31/47*x+3113/2209  .

Adding the graph of the oblique asymptote to the previous graph completes our analysis of this function.

>    OA := convert( q1, polynom ):
p5 := plot( OA, x=-10..10, discont=true, color=green ):
display( [p1,p2,p3,p4,p5], title="Plot of function with vertical and oblique asymptotes" );

[Maple Plot]

Note that it is not a concern that the graph of y = f(x)  crosses an oblique asymptote. The same would be true if the function had a horizontal asymptote. But, the graph of a function y = f(x)  will never intersect a vertical asymptote.


Example 5 - A Function with All Three Types of Asymptotes

In general, difficult - ex w/ large root; Maple's infinity plot can be helpful but not the answer for everything.

To conclude our discussion of limits at infinity and infinite limits, consider the function

>    f := ( x^3 + abs(x)^3 - 6*x^2 + 12 ) / ( x+2 )^2:

`f(x)` = (x^3+abs(x)^3-6*x^2+12)/(x+2)^2

Our objective is to determine all asymptotes (vertical, horizontal, and oblique) for this function and to prepare a plot of the function and all of its asymptotes.

A plot of the function is not difficult to obtain.

>    pf := plot( f, x=-10..20, y=-100..30, discont=true ):

[Maple Plot]

An important observation is that for x > 0 and for x < 0 the function simplifies to different  rational functions.

>    f_pos := simplify( f ) assuming x::positive:
f_neg := simplify( f ) assuming x::negative:
f = piecewise( x>0, f_pos, x<0, f_neg );

(x^3+abs(x)^3-6*x^2+12)/(x+2)^2 = PIECEWISE([2*(x^3-3*x^2+6)/(x+2)^2, 0 < x],[-6*(x^2-2)/(x+2)^2, x < 0])

This means the function should be expected to have different asymptotic behavior at infinity and negative infinity. For  x > 0, the rational function has an oblique asymptote

>    q2 := series( f_pos, x=infinity, 4 ):
OA_f := y = convert( q2, polynom ):

y = 2*x-14

For  x<0, the rational function has a horizontal asymptote

>    HA_f := y = limit( f, x=-infinity ):

y = -6

To find any vertical asymptotes, the zeroes of the denominator are easily seen to be

>    VA_f := seq( x=a, a={solve( denom(f)=0, x )} ):

x = -2


>    pa := implicitplot( {OA_f,HA_f,VA_f}, x=-10..20, y=-100..30, color=cyan ):
display( [pf,pa], title="Plot of function and all asymptotes" );

[Maple Plot]


Lesson Summary

The limits of simple powers at the origin and at both infinities are summarized in the following four results

  limit(x^k,x = infinity) = PIECEWISE([infinity, `k > 0`],[1, `k = 0`],[0, `k < 0`])                        limit(x^k,x = -infinity) = PIECEWISE([infinity, `k = p/q > 0 with p even and q odd`],[-infinity, `k=p/q > 0 with p and q both odd`],[1, `k = 0`],[0, `k = p/q < 0 with q odd`],[`d.n.e.`, `k=p/q with q e...  

  limit(x^k,x = 0,right) = PIECEWISE([0, `k > 0`],[1, `k = 0`],[infinity, `k < 0`])                             limit(x^k,x = 0,left) = PIECEWISE([0, `k = p/q > 0 with q odd`],[1, `k = 0`],[-infinity, `k = p/q < 0 with p and q both odd`],[infinity, `k = p/q < 0 with p even and q odd`],[`d.n.e.`, `k = p/q with q ...  

Notice how the limit at infinity is related to the limit at the origin from the right and how the limit at negative infinity is related to the limit at the origin from the left.

There are three types of asymptotes:


What's Next?

To practice the skills discussed in this lesson, work the online practice problems. Start the online homework assignment only after you are confident with your skills with infinite limits. To conclude, complete the textbook homework assignment.

The Continuity lesson will apply almost all of the concepts introduced in the other lessons in Unit 1. The ideas in this lesson are simple. The theoretical results that follow from the definition of continuity are critical for success in the later units in this course. The first theoretical application of continuity is the Intermediate Value Theorem lesson.

