import java.lang.*; import*; import java.util.*; import java.math.*; //, by Frank Thorne // Please feel free to use, modify, and extend this as you see fit -- but please also cite our paper! // This program parses the output of Karim Belabas's "cubic" program into one or more // .gp files. The input has a bunch of lines like this // -891: (-18,-9,36) [1,0,6,1] // and we output lines that look like this // [1, 0, 6, 1] // Each output file will contain num_fields_per_file files, and if output_file_base is "css-data" then the output // will be "", "", etc. This program can process arbitrarily large data files, but // the program that uses it cannot. public class ParseBelabas { public static String inputFile = "T33-1826-09.txt"; // read in this file. public static int num_fields_per_file = 1000000; public static String output_file_base = "belabas-test"; /********************************************* Parsing routines: The next several procedures parse the output from Belabas's cubic. It looks like this: -23: (-5,-7,1) [1,1,2,1] -175: (-5,-25,-5) [1,1,2,3] -543: (-5,-43,-11) [1,1,2,5] Each line is parsed into an array of five ints -- the last four numbers and then the first one (the discriminant). Cubic form discriminant has been checked to match the first number when -10^6 < Disc(K) < 0. There is some error checking done (e.g. if the input file is garbage) but it is far from thorough. *********************************************/ public static void errorMsg(int oneChar, int expChar) { System.out.print("Found unexpected character. Expected: "); System.out.print((char) expChar); System.out.print(" Found: "); System.out.println((char) oneChar); } // parse one character, which is expected to be either expChar or EOF. public static int parseChar( fr, int expChar) throws Exception { int oneChar =; if ((oneChar != expChar) && (oneChar != -1)) errorMsg(oneChar, expChar); return oneChar; } // parses an integer from the file and returns it. assumes it is terminated by any character // other than 0-9, which terminates it. public static int parseInt( fr) throws Exception { boolean isFinished = false, minusFlag = false; int oneChar; int currVal = 0; while (! isFinished) { oneChar =; if (oneChar == '-') minusFlag = true; else if ((oneChar >= 48) && (oneChar <= 57)) { int intChar = oneChar - 48; currVal = currVal * 10 + intChar; } else isFinished = true; } if (minusFlag) currVal = 0 - currVal; return currVal; } public static void parseRestOfLine( fr) throws Exception { boolean done = false; while (! done) { int oneChar =; if ((oneChar == -1) || (oneChar == 10)) done = true; } } //Parse one line of the file. //Returns: the four coefficients (note: I am *guessing* these are correct, they are *not* the cubic form) //followed by the discriminant. public static int[] parseLine( fr) throws Exception { boolean errFlag = false; int errChar = -2; // -1 is saved for EOF int oneChar; int[] ret_val = new int[5]; int d = parseInt(fr); int disc = Math.abs(d); parseChar(fr, ' '); parseChar(fr, '('); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) parseInt(fr); parseChar(fr, ' '); parseChar(fr, ' '); parseChar(fr, '['); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) ret_val[i] = parseInt(fr); ret_val[4] = disc; parseRestOfLine(fr); return ret_val; } public static void writeLine( fw, int[] oneLine) throws Exception { fw.write('['); fw.write("" + oneLine[0]); fw.write(','); fw.write("" + oneLine[1]); fw.write(','); fw.write("" + oneLine[2]); fw.write(','); fw.write("" + oneLine[3]); fw.write(']'); fw.write(10); } public static void processFile() throws Exception { FileReader fr = new; FileWriter fw = null; String currFileName = ""; boolean eofReached = false; int lineCounter = 1; int fileCounter = 1; while (!eofReached) { if (lineCounter == 1) { currFileName = output_file_base + "-" + fileCounter + ".gp"; fw = new; } int[] oneLine = parseLine(fr); if (oneLine[0] == 0) eofReached = true; else { writeLine(fw, oneLine); lineCounter ++ ; if (lineCounter > num_fields_per_file) { fw.flush(); fw.close(); lineCounter = 1; fileCounter ++; System.out.print("."); } } } fw.flush(); fw.close(); System.out.println("Produced " + fileCounter + " files, last was " + currFileName + "."); System.out.println("Each contains " + num_fields_per_file + " cubic fields."); System.out.println("Last contains " + lineCounter + " cubic fields."); fr.close(); } public static void main(String[] args) { try { long beginTime = new Date().getTime(); processFile(); long endTime = new Date().getTime(); System.out.println("Milliseconds required: " + (endTime - beginTime)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }