import java.lang.*; import*; import java.util.*; import java.math.*; //, by Frank Thorne // Please feel free to use, modify, and extend this as you see fit -- but please also cite our paper! // See also the function extraTest below -- the program can easily be modified to only count field // discriminants meeting some specified criteria (i.e., coprime to 6) public class CountS3 { public static String inputFile = "T31-107.txt"; // read in this file. if args[0] is specified, read that instead. public static long maxDisc = 10000000; // Assumed to be < 2^31.5 (otherwise longs won't cut it). can override in args[1] public static double DHConstant = .208; // # of cubic fields with 0 < -Disc(K) < X is .2079... * X - the secondary term + small error. // some global variables, to be initialized later (once we know what maxDisc is) public static int possibleDiscs = 0; public static long maxGCDisc = 0; public static long[] discsList; // a list of all S_3 discriminants counted public static long[] originalDiscsList; // a list of cubic discriminants corresponding to the S_3 discriminants counted public static long[] allOriginalDiscsList; // a list of all cubic field discriminants processed. public static int discsCounter = 0; public static int allDiscsCounter = 0; // counts even discriminants where the S_3 closure has discriminant too big. public static int squareDiscsCounter = 0; // how many square discriminants we found (and didn't compute the Galois closure) public static boolean negDiscsFlag = false; // will be set to true (if appropriate) when parsing the file. public static boolean countAllOriginalDiscs = false; // if this is true, maintain an array of all cubic fields being processed, // even those whose S_3 discriminant is out of bounds. (can consume lots of memory) // Note also there is an unfixed bug: Will get array overflow errors in case // this is on and the file is large in comparison to how many discs we actually count. // keep a list of primes around. public static int maxPrime = 0; // again, to be initialized based on maxDisc public static int[] primes; public static int num_primes = 0; public static void DEBUG(String s) { System.out.println(s); } public static boolean isPrime(int n) { int i; boolean retval = true; double my_sqrt = Math.round(Math.sqrt((double) n)); for (i = 2; i < my_sqrt + 0.01; i++) { if (n % i == 0) retval = false; } return retval; } public static boolean isSquare(long n) { long l = Math.round(Math.sqrt((double) n)); return (l*l == n); } // generate a list of primes. (perhaps this already exists in the java language?) public static void generatePrimes() { int[] temp_primes = new int[maxPrime]; int counter = 0; for (int i = 2; i < maxPrime; i++) if (isPrime(i)) temp_primes[counter++] = i; primes = new int[counter + 1]; num_primes = counter + 1; for (int i = 0; i < counter; i++) primes[i] = temp_primes[i]; // this is a trick: the last "prime" is a number chosen to be bigger than any prime whose square can divide the discriminant // assuming we don't count cubic fields past 10^14. // The reason for this is we want to be able to shortcut a loop: test, for each prime, where its square divides the discriminant // of a number field. However, whenever we find nonsquare factors, that tells us that we have fewer primes we have to check. // We go progressively through the list of primes and make sure that each (in turn) is not too big. By adding one at the end that // is definitely "too big" that saves us an additional array index out of bounds check in the innermost loop of the program. primes[num_primes - 1] = 10000000; } // This is important!! // is_tr_at_2: given an array of five integers: first four are the cubic form coeffs, last is the discriminant. // determine if the cubic field is totally ramified at 2, assuming the cubic ring is maximal. // this can be determined by reducing mod 2, there are 16 possibilities, and there are three that correspond to being totally ramified at 2. // just do it by brute force. public static boolean is_tr_at_2(int[] disc_data) { boolean a = (Math.abs(disc_data[0]) % 2 == 1); boolean b = (Math.abs(disc_data[1]) % 2 == 1); boolean c = (Math.abs(disc_data[2]) % 2 == 1); boolean d = (Math.abs(disc_data[3]) % 2 == 1); boolean retval = false; // totally ramified at 2: (1, 1, 1, 1), (1, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 1). if (a && !b && !c && !d) retval = true; if (d && !b && !c && !a) retval = true; if (a && b && c && d) retval = true; // 1^2: (0, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1, 1), (0, 1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0, 1), (1, 0, 1, 0), (1, 1, 0, 0) /* some debugging code: complain if any "bad" cubic forms are seen modulo 2. // Was tested up to -Disc(K) < 10^6 without error. // (0, 0, 0, 0): never maximal. if (!a && !b && !c && !d) DEBUG("Error 1!" + disc_data[0] + ":" + disc_data[1] + ":" + disc_data[2] + ":" + disc_data[3]); // (0, 1, 1, 0): never ramified at 2. if (!a && b && c && !d) DEBUG("Error 2!" +disc_data[0] + ":" + disc_data[1] + ":" + disc_data[2] + ":" + disc_data[3]); // (0, 1, 1, 1): as above. if (!a && b && c && d) DEBUG("Error 3!" +disc_data[0] + ":" + disc_data[1] + ":" + disc_data[2] + ":" + disc_data[3]); // (1, 0, 0, 1): as above. if (a && !b && !c && d) DEBUG("Error 4!" +disc_data[0] + ":" + disc_data[1] + ":" + disc_data[2] + ":" + disc_data[3]); // (1, 0, 1, 1): if (a && !b && c && d) DEBUG("Error 5!" +disc_data[0] + ":" + disc_data[1] + ":" + disc_data[2] + ":" + disc_data[3]); // (1, 1, 0, 1): if (a && b && !c && d) DEBUG("Error 6!" +disc_data[0] + ":" + disc_data[1] + ":" + disc_data[2] + ":" + disc_data[3]); // (1, 1, 1, 0): as above. if (a && b && c && !d) DEBUG("Error 7!" +disc_data[0] + ":" + disc_data[1] + ":" + disc_data[2] + ":" + disc_data[3]); */ return retval; } // compute the discriminant of the Galois closure in terms of the original discriminant. // there might be some room to improve the efficiency, but it is pretty good as it is. // ALSO checks to see if the discriminant is larger than the maximum allowed; if it is, returns zero. // This is a little bit undesirable, but if we don't do this, we can't store the result in a long, // and so we have to deal with this cumbersome BigInteger class more than we have to already. public static long gcDisc(int[] disc_data) { long disc = disc_data[4]; BigInteger biDisc = BigInteger.valueOf(disc); long maxPrimeToCheck = Math.round(Math.pow(disc, 0.5)); // need to check divisibility by primes up to this. //Debug code: compare the cubic form discriminant with the discriminant output by Belabas's cubic. //Was tested with -Disc(K) < 10^6 without error. if (disc != getDisc(disc_data)) DEBUG("Error. discriminant mismatch."); BigInteger retval = biDisc.multiply(biDisc.multiply(biDisc)); if ((disc % 27 == 0) && (disc % 81 != 0)) retval = retval.divide(BigInteger.valueOf(9)); if ((disc % 81) == 0) retval = retval.divide(BigInteger.valueOf(81)); if (disc % 4 == 0) { if ((disc % 8 != 0) && (is_tr_at_2(disc_data))) retval = retval.divide(BigInteger.valueOf(4));; maxPrimeToCheck = maxPrimeToCheck / 2; } //Results of this loop were demonstrated identical to the more complicated loop below for discs < 10^7. //BigInteger retval2 = retval.pow(1); //for (int i = 2; i < num_primes; i++) { // start at i = 3 (i.e. the prime 5) // int p = primes[i]; // if ((disc % (p*p)) == 0) retval2 = retval2.divide(BigInteger.valueOf(p*p)); //} int i; int p = 0; i = 2; while (primes[i] <= maxPrimeToCheck) { p = primes[i]; if ((disc % p) == 0) { if ((disc % (p*p)) == 0) retval = retval.divide(BigInteger.valueOf(p*p)); else { maxPrimeToCheck = (long) Math.round(maxPrimeToCheck / Math.pow(p, 0.5)); } } i++; } /* if (retval.compareTo(retval2) != 0) { System.out.println("Last prime checked" + p); System.out.println("max prime" + maxPrimeToCheck); System.out.println(retval); System.out.println(retval2); System.out.println(disc); System.out.println("-----------"); } */ if (retval.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(maxGCDisc)) != -1) return 0; if (retval.longValue() < 0) { DEBUG("" + disc_data[0]); DEBUG("" + disc_data[1]); DEBUG("" + disc_data[2]); DEBUG("" + disc_data[3]); DEBUG("" + disc_data[4]); } return retval.longValue(); } // cubic form discriminant. // currently disused; has been checked to match the field discriminant output by // Belabas's program in many cases. public static long getDisc(int[] coeffs) { long a = coeffs[0]; long b = coeffs[1]; long c = coeffs[2]; long d = coeffs[3]; long disc = b*b*c*c - 4*a*c*c*c - 4*b*b*b*d - 27*a*a*d*d + 18*a*b*c*d; return Math.abs(disc); } /********************************************* Parsing routines: The next several procedures parse the output from Belabas's cubic. It looks like this: -23: (-5,-7,1) [1,1,2,1] -175: (-5,-25,-5) [1,1,2,3] -543: (-5,-43,-11) [1,1,2,5] Each line is parsed into an array of five ints -- the last four numbers and then the first one (the discriminant). Cubic form discriminant has been checked to match the first number when -10^6 < Disc(K) < 0. There is some error checking done (e.g. if the input file is garbage) but it is far from thorough. *********************************************/ public static void errorMsg(int oneChar, int expChar) { System.out.print("Found unexpected character. Expected: "); System.out.print((char) expChar); System.out.print(" Found: "); System.out.println((char) oneChar); } // parse one character, which is expected to be either expChar or EOF. public static int parseChar( fr, int expChar) throws Exception { int oneChar =; if ((oneChar != expChar) && (oneChar != -1)) errorMsg(oneChar, expChar); return oneChar; } // parses an integer from the file and returns it. assumes it is terminated by any character // other than 0-9, which terminates it. public static int parseInt( fr) throws Exception { boolean isFinished = false, minusFlag = false; int oneChar; int currVal = 0; while (! isFinished) { oneChar =; if (oneChar == '-') minusFlag = true; else if ((oneChar >= 48) && (oneChar <= 57)) { int intChar = oneChar - 48; currVal = currVal * 10 + intChar; } else isFinished = true; } if (minusFlag) currVal = 0 - currVal; return currVal; } public static void parseRestOfLine( fr) throws Exception { boolean done = false; while (! done) { int oneChar =; if ((oneChar == -1) || (oneChar == 10)) done = true; } } //Parse one line of the file. //Returns: the four coefficients (note: I am *guessing* these are correct, they are *not* the cubic form) //followed by the discriminant. public static int[] parseLine( fr) throws Exception { boolean errFlag = false; int errChar = -2; // -1 is saved for EOF int oneChar; int[] ret_val = new int[5]; int d = parseInt(fr); if (d < 0) negDiscsFlag = true; int disc = Math.abs(d); parseChar(fr, ' '); parseChar(fr, '('); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) parseInt(fr); parseChar(fr, ' '); parseChar(fr, ' '); parseChar(fr, '['); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) ret_val[i] = parseInt(fr); ret_val[4] = disc; parseRestOfLine(fr); return ret_val; } // extraTest: puts an extra test on our discriminant. default is to just return true, unless we only want a selection. // This is written in a somewhat inefficient manner. E.g., it would be more efficient to test discriminants before computing the // discriminant of the galois closure, if possible. (e.g. if we only want to allow discriminants coprime to 2 or 3) // However this did not seem like it was worth worrying about too much. public static boolean extraTest(long GCDisc) { //return true; return ((GCDisc % 6) == 1) || ((GCDisc % 6) == 5); } public static void processLine(int[] oneLine) throws Exception { if (! negDiscsFlag && isSquare(oneLine[4])) { squareDiscsCounter++; } else { long GCDisc = gcDisc(oneLine); if (GCDisc != 0 && extraTest(GCDisc)) { // 0 is the code for "too big, don't count" discsList[discsCounter] = GCDisc; // in addition, save the original discriminants in a separate array originalDiscsList[discsCounter++] = oneLine[4]; } } if (countAllOriginalDiscs) allOriginalDiscsList[allDiscsCounter] = oneLine[4]; allDiscsCounter++; } public static void processFile() throws Exception { FileReader fr = new; boolean eofReached = false; while (!eofReached) { int[] oneLine = parseLine(fr); if (oneLine[0] == 0) eofReached = true; else processLine(oneLine); } fr.close(); } /********************************************* There is no serious math below, hopefully the remainder is self explanatory! *********************************************/ // There must be a better way to write this procedure. public static void cleanDiscsList() { long[] newArray = new long[discsCounter]; for (int i = 0; i < discsCounter; i++) newArray[i] = discsList[i]; Arrays.sort(newArray); // pity this is so easy, all that time in AP comp sci wasted! discsList = newArray; long[] newArray2 = new long[discsCounter]; for (int i = 0; i < discsCounter; i++) newArray2[i] = originalDiscsList[i]; Arrays.sort(newArray2); // pity this is so easy, all that time in AP comp sci wasted! originalDiscsList = newArray2; if (countAllOriginalDiscs) { long[] newArray3 = new long[allDiscsCounter]; for (int i = 0; i < allDiscsCounter; i++) newArray3[i] = allOriginalDiscsList[i]; Arrays.sort(newArray3); // pity this is so easy, all that time in AP comp sci wasted! allOriginalDiscsList = newArray3; } } public static void testOutput(boolean verbose, boolean extraReport) { System.out.print("Number of cubic fields counted: "); // this is here to double check with known counts. System.out.println(allDiscsCounter); System.out.print("Number of cyclic cubic fields counted: "); // this is here to double check with known counts. System.out.println(squareDiscsCounter); System.out.print("Sign of discriminants negative: "); System.out.println(negDiscsFlag); System.out.print("Number of S_3 discriminants counted: "); System.out.println(discsCounter); if (verbose) for (int i = 0; i < discsCounter; i++) { System.out.print("Discriminant: "); System.out.println(discsList[i]); } if (extraReport) { long[] thresholds = new long[36]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { long pw = Math.round(Math.pow(10, 4 - i)); thresholds[9*i] = maxGCDisc / pw; thresholds[9*i + 1] = 3 * (maxGCDisc / (2 * pw)); thresholds[9*i + 2] = 2 * (maxGCDisc / pw); thresholds[9*i + 3] = 5 * (maxGCDisc / (2 * pw)); thresholds[9*i + 4] = 3 * (maxGCDisc / pw); thresholds[9*i + 5] = 4 * (maxGCDisc / pw); thresholds[9*i + 6] = 5 * (maxGCDisc / pw); thresholds[9*i + 7] = 6 * (maxGCDisc / pw); thresholds[9*i + 8] = 8 * (maxGCDisc / pw); } int thresholdCounter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < discsCounter; i++) { if (thresholdCounter != 36) { if (discsList[i] > thresholds[thresholdCounter]) { System.out.println("Discriminants < " + thresholds[thresholdCounter] + ": " + i); thresholdCounter++; } } } System.out.println("Discriminants < " + maxGCDisc + ": " + discsCounter); } } // Count field discriminants in arithmetic progression. public static void countAP(int modulus) { System.out.println("S_3 discriminants counted, by discriminant of the S_3 field"); int[] APcounts = new int[modulus]; for (int i = 0; i < modulus; i++) APcounts[i] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < discsCounter; i++) { int rc = (int) (discsList[i] % modulus); APcounts[rc]++; } for (int i = 0; i < modulus; i++) { System.out.print("" + i + " mod " + modulus + ": " ); System.out.println(APcounts[i]); } } // Count field discriminants in arithmetic progression. // This procedure: count only fields whose Galois closure has bounded discriminant, but // count the *original* cubic field discrimiants by AP. // copy-pasted from previous procedure, with only one change :( public static void countOriginalAP(int modulus) { System.out.println("S_3 discriminants counted, by discriminant of the cubic field"); int[] APcounts = new int[modulus]; for (int i = 0; i < modulus; i++) APcounts[i] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < discsCounter; i++) { int rc = (int) (originalDiscsList[i] % modulus); APcounts[rc]++; } for (int i = 0; i < modulus; i++) { System.out.print("" + i + " mod " + modulus + ": " ); System.out.println(APcounts[i]); } } // count all the fields we looked at by arithmetic progression, regardless of what their S_3 closure was. // If Matthias Felleisen sees these three look-alike procedures, he will probably look up my undergraduate // transcripts and retroactively change my grade in intro CS to an F. public static void countAllOriginalAP(int modulus) { System.out.println("all cubic discriminants counted (regardless of whether the S_3 discriminant was counted or not)"); int[] APcounts = new int[modulus]; for (int i = 0; i < modulus; i++) APcounts[i] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < allDiscsCounter; i++) { int rc = (int) (allOriginalDiscsList[i] % modulus); APcounts[rc]++; } for (int i = 0; i < modulus; i++) { System.out.print("" + i + " mod " + modulus + ": " ); System.out.println(APcounts[i]); } } // computes maxGCDisc, the highest discriminant of a Galois closure we are counting. // Basically 3 * maxDisc^2, but we round down to make the output pretty. // note: square root of 10/3 is 1.82574, of 5/3 is 1.29099... // square root of 100/3 is 5.7735... public static long computeMaxGCDisc(long maxDisc) { long retval = 3 * maxDisc * maxDisc; // the maximum the discriminant of GC of K can be, if Disc(K) < maxdisc. long fe18 = 5000000000000000000L; if (retval > fe18) retval = fe18; //optional: round it down to the nearest power of 10 to make the output pretty. long logDisc = Math.round(Math.log(retval)/Math.log(10) - 0.5001); // round *down* retval = Math.round(Math.pow(10, logDisc)); return retval; } public static void main(String[] args) { try { long beginTime = new Date().getTime(); boolean verbose = false; if (args.length > 0) inputFile = args[0]; if (args.length > 1) maxDisc = Long.parseLong(args[1]); if (args.length > 2) if (args[2].equals("-v")) verbose = true; possibleDiscs = (int) Math.round(Math.pow(maxDisc, 0.67) + 1000); maxPrime = (int) Math.round(Math.pow(maxDisc, 0.5) + 3); discsList = new long[possibleDiscs]; originalDiscsList = new long[possibleDiscs]; if (countAllOriginalDiscs) { int aodlLength = (int) (maxDisc * DHConstant); allOriginalDiscsList = new long[aodlLength]; } maxGCDisc = computeMaxGCDisc(maxDisc); System.out.println(maxDisc); System.out.println(maxGCDisc); generatePrimes(); processFile(); cleanDiscsList(); testOutput(verbose, true); countAP(5); countOriginalAP(5); // see how long the calculation took long endTime = new Date().getTime(); System.out.println("Milliseconds required: " + (endTime - beginTime)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }