Compactness, Heine-Borel, Extreme Value Thm,
and Uniform Continuity
 Handout #6 - 3/11/96 

Defn. Suppose that K Í IR.   A collection G of open subsets such that

is called an open cover of K.  K has a finite subcover from G if there exist O1, O2, ..., On in G for which
K Í n
j = 1
 Oj .

Defn. K is called compact, if each open cover  G  of K has a finite subcover.

Theorem. The continuous image of a compact set is compact.

Pf.  Suppose  f: K ® IR is continuous and K is compact.  Each open cover  C of f[K] can be drawn back to an open cover  C~ of K, by considering the sets 
       O~; = f -1 ( O),   OΠ C
K compact implies that we may draw a finite subcover from { C~}. Each of these members is the inverse image (under f) from a member of  C. These form the desired subcover of f[K].  [¯]

Theorem. (Heine-Borel) Suppose that a £ b, then the interval [a,b] is compact.

Pf. Let  C be an open cover for [a,b] and consider the set
A : = {x |  [a,x]  has an open cover from C }.

Note that A ¹Æ since a Î A. Let g: = lub (A). It is enough to show that g > b, since if x1 Î A and a £ x £ x1, then x Î A. Suppose instead that g £ b, then there must be some  O0 Π C such that g Π O0. But O0 is open, so there exists d > 0 so that Nd(g) Í  O0. Since g is the least upper bound for A, then there is an x Î A such that g-d < x £ g. But x Î A implies there are members O1, ..., On of  C whose union covers [a,x]. The collection O0, O1, ..., On covers [a,g+d/2]. Contradiction, since g is the least upper bound for the set A.   [¯]

Theorem. Each closed subset C of a compact set K is compact.

Pf. Let G~ be an open cover for C. Let  O0 be the complement of C, then  O0 is open and  G: = G~ È{ O0} is an open cover for K.  There is a finite subcover of G which covers K and hence C. This subcover (dropping  O0 if it appears) is the desired finite subcover for C.   [¯]

Defn. Suppose {an } is a sequence. A sequence {bk } is called a subsequence of {an } if there exists a strictly increasing sequence of natural numbers

n1 < n2 < ... < nk < ...
such that bk = an_k,  k = 1,2,...

Theorem. Suppose that K Í IR, then TFAE:

a.) K is compact,
b.) K is closed and bounded,
c.) each sequence in K has a subsequence which converges to a member of K,
d.) (Bolzanno-Weierstrass) each infinite subset of K has a limit point in K.

Pf. (a)Þ (b): To show that K is bounded, consider the open cover of K consisting of the collection of nested open intervals  On : = (-n,n),  n Î IN. To show that K is closed, let x0 be a limit point of K. Assume to the contrary that x0\not Î K. Consider the open cover of K consisting of the collection of nested open sets On : = {x Î IR||x-x0| > 1/n },  n Î IN. Any finite subcollection which would cover K would have union whose complement would be a neighborhood of x0 not intersecting K. This shows that x0 could not be a limit point of K.

(b)Þ (d): We use the `divide and conquer' method, better known as the `bisection' method. Let A be an infinite subset of K. Since K is bounded, there is an interval [a,b] such that K Í [a,b]. Inductively define the closed subintervals as follows. Let [a0,b0]: = [a,b]. Either the left or right half of [a0,b0] contains an infinite number of members of K. In the case that it is the right half, set [a1,b1]: = [(b0+a0)/2,b0]. Set [a1,b1] equal to the left half of [a0,b0] otherwise. Inductively, let [an+1,bn+1] be the half of [an,bn] which contains an infinite number of members of A. Notice that the length of this interval is (b-a)/2n+1, that the an's satisfy an £ an+1 £ ... < b and so must converge to some real number a £ x0 £ b. Each neigborhood of x0 will contain one of the intervals [an,bn] and hence will contain an infinite number of members of A, i.e. x0 is a limit point of A. This also shows that x0 is a limit point of the closed set K and must therefore belong to K.

(d)Þ (c): Let { xn}n = 1¥ be a sequence in K. If the sequence's image is finite, then we may construct a constant subsequence which has the value which we may choose as any of the values of { xn}n = 1¥ which is repeated infinitely often. Otherwise, let A be the range of the sequence. Then A is an infinite subset of K. By the Bolzanno-Weierstrass property, A must have a limit point (x0 say) which belongs to K. For each k Î IN, we may find an integer nk larger than those previously picked (i.e., n1, ...,nk-1), so that |xnk-x0| < 1/k. This is the desired subsequence.

(c)Þ (b): If K were not bounded, then there would exist a sequence xnÎ K such that |xn| > n. If this sequence had a subsequence which converged, then it would have to be bounded. But each subsequence of { xn} is clearly unbounded. To show that K is closed, we let x0 be a limit point of K which is not in K. We can then find a sequence { xn} from K which converges to x0. By condition (c), this has to have a subsequence which converges to a member of K. Contradiction. Each subsequence of a convergent sequence converges to the same limit, in this case x0, which does not belong to K.   [¯]

Corollary. Each continuous function f on a compact set K is bounded.

Pf. The set f(K) is compact and is therefore bounded.   [¯]

Corollary. (Extreme Value Theorem) Each continuous function on a compact set attains its maximum (resp. minimum).

Pf. The set f(K) is compact and is therefore bounded and closed. Hence the least upper bound g for f(K) must belong to f(K). Therefore, there is an x0 Î K such that g = f(x0) and so
        |f(x) £ f(x0),  for all  x Î K.
Similary, the greatest lower bound of f(K) is attained by some member of K.   [¯]

Defn. A function f is called uniformly continuous if for each e > 0, $d > 0 such that whenever x1, x2Î dom(f) and |x1 - x2| < d, then |f(x1)-f(x2)|< e.

Corollary. Each continuous function on [a,b] is uniformly continuous.

Pf. Suppose not, then negating the definition implies that there exist an e0> 0 such that for each n Î IN we can find xn, yn Î K with |xn-yn| < 1/n but |f(xn) -f(yn)|³e0. K is compact so we can find a subsequence { xnk }k = 1¥ of { xn }n = 1¥ which converges to some x0 belonging to K. Notice that { ynk}k = 1¥ also converges to x0 (use an e/2 proof). But f is continuous at x0, so
e0 £|f(xnk) -f(ynk) |f(xnk) -f(x0)| + |f(x0)-f(ynk) 0  as   k®¥
which is a contradiction.  [¯]

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