Symbolic Analysis of Dominant Eigenvalue

> t := 't':

> A[2,1] := t:

> evalm( A );

[Maple Math]


> eigenvalues( A );

Error, (in linalg/evalf) matrix entries must all evaluate to float


Even though Maple does not want to compute the eigenvalues of this matrix, we can use the fact that eigenvalues are roots of the characteristic polynomial to overcome this obstacle. The characteristic polynomial is

> p := charpoly( A, lambda );

[Maple Math]

The roots of this cubic polynomial are (exactly):

> solve( p=0, lambda );

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]


Of the three roots, only the first is real valued:

> lambda1 := %[1];

[Maple Math]

> plot( [lambda1, 1], t=0 .. 0.5, title="Dominant eigenvalues as a function of t" );

[Maple Plot]


The value of t for which the dominant eigenvalue is 1 is

> solve( lambda1=1., t );

[Maple Math]
