Defining the Model

Finally we study solutions of the May system (a hand out taken from other sources will be provided). Here [Maple Math] is measured in units of "hectohares" (i.e., the number of hares in units of 100) and [Maple Math] is the number of lynxes. Choose a variety of initial conditions, time intervals, stepsizes, and so forth. ***Are there any QUALITATIVE similarities and/or differences that you notice between the May model and the two L-V models?***

> eq1 := diff( x(t), t) = 0.6 * x(t) *(1 -(x(t) / 10)) - 0.5 * x(t) * y(t) /(x(t) + 1);

> eq2 := diff( y(t), t) = 0.1 * y(t) * ( 1 - y(t) / (2 * x(t)) );

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

> MODEL := { eq1, eq2 };

[Maple Math]

> vars := { x(t), y(t) };

[Maple Math]

> init1 := [0, 10, 10];

> init2 := [0, 10, 15];

> init3 := [0, 10, 5];

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

> domain := t = 0 .. 120;

[Maple Math]