# 1 b

We approach this problem in the same way, except that we might give a separate name to the expression to be differentiated, e.g. , expr :

> expr := ln( (t*exp(t))^(1/3) );

[Maple Math]

> prob1b := Diff( expr, t );

[Maple Math]

> value( prob1b );

[Maple Math]

It is easy to see a common factor in the numerator and denominator of this result. To bring this to Maple's attention we can ask Maple to simplify its result :

> simplify( % );

[Maple Math]


Recall that we performed several simplifications to the expression prior to doing any differentiation. If we ask Maple to simplify the expression, it responds with :

> simplify( expr );

[Maple Math]

which was an intermediate step in our manual simplificiations. It is not reasonable to expect the computer to simplify expressions exactly as you and I would. In many instances you may need to do some manual manipulations to make Maple's answers look exactly like your own.
