Method #2 - dsolve,numeric and odeplot (built-in Maple commands)

There are two steps in using Maple to work with numerically computed solutions to an initial value problem. First, the dsolve command is used with the numeric (and method ) option to obtain the solution.


Note that this command requires specification of the stepsize (not the number of steps). Fortunately, this conversion is not difficult to make.

> dt := %?

> solnE:= dsolve( { MODEL, IC }, VAR, numeric, method = classical[foreuler], stepsize = dt );

The second step is to decide how to use this solution. A common choice is to create a plot of the solution using odeplot (from the plots package). The last ingredient needed for this command is the number of points to use in the plot of the approximate solution.

> NUMpts := %?

> odeplot( solnE, [t, y(t)], rhs(DOMAIN), style = line, color = BLUE, numpoints = NUMpts );
