
To estimate the number of steps needed to get the first significant digit of the solution, let's try 50 steps (dt=0.1):


> ptsE := Euler( MODEL, IC, DOMAIN, 50 );

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

> ptsE[51];

[Maple Math]

The last value is now negative (that's an improvement), but is nowhere close to having the correct first significant digit.


> ptsE := Euler( MODEL, IC, DOMAIN, 250 ):

> ptsE[251];

[Maple Math]


That's better, let's double the number of steps to 500 (dt=0.01):

> ptsE := Euler( MODEL, IC, DOMAIN, 500 ):

> ptsE[501];

[Maple Math]


That does it! (Actually, while 400 is not enough steps, anything larger than 401 will suffice.)


> ptsE := Euler( MODEL, IC, DOMAIN, 400 ):

> ptsE[401];

[Maple Math]


> ptsE := Euler( MODEL, IC, DOMAIN, 401 ):

> ptsE[402];

[Maple Math]


> ptsE := Euler( MODEL, IC, DOMAIN, 402 ):

> ptsE[403];

[Maple Math]
