
Section 16-5: Exercise # 5

> restart;

> with( plots ):

Warning, the name changecoords has been redefined


We begin by plotting the region S.

> P1 := plot( 0, x=0..1 ):

> P2 := plot( exp(-x), x=0..1 ):

> P3 := plot( [0,y, y=0..1] ):

> P4 := plot( [1,y, y=0..exp(-1)] ):

> plotS := display( [P1,P2,P3,P4] ):

> plotS;

[Maple Plot]


The density function is

> delta := 1;

delta := 1


The iterated integral for the mass is

> M := Int( Int( delta, y=0..exp(-x) ), x=0..1 );

M := Int(Int(1,y = 0 .. exp(-x)),x = 0 .. 1)

with value

> value( M ) = evalf( M );

-exp(-1)+1 = .6321205588


The moment about the y axis (x=0) is the iterated integral

> M_y := Int( Int( x*delta, y=0..exp(-x) ), x=0..1 );

M_y := Int(Int(x,y = 0 .. exp(-x)),x = 0 .. 1)

with value

> value( M_y ) = evalf( M_y );

-2*exp(-1)+1 = .2642411177


The moment about the x axis (y=0) is the iterated integral

> M_x := Int( Int( y*delta, y=0..exp(-x) ), x=0..1 );

M_x := Int(Int(y,y = 0 .. exp(-x)),x = 0 .. 1)

> value( M_x ) = evalf( M_x );

-1/4*exp(-1)^2+1/4 = .2161661792


The center of mass is

> xbar := value( M_y/M ):

> ybar := value( M_x/M ):

> CoM := simplify([xbar,ybar]);

CoM := [(2*exp(-1)-1)/(exp(-1)-1), 1/4*exp(-1)+1/4]...


or, as floating point numbers:

> evalf(CoM);

[.4180232931, .3419698603]


To locate the center of mass on the lamina, plot the center of mass and add it to the plot of S:

> plotCM := pointplot( [xbar,ybar] ):

> display( [plotS,plotCM] );

[Maple Plot]


This location for the center of mass is reasonable because the density is much higher towards the top of the region. For the sake of illustration, if the density function is delta(x,y) = 1 ( i.e. , a uniform density) then the center of mass is (0.41802,0.34197) and if delta(x,y) = y then the center of mass is (0.34348,0.48842).

> CoM0 := [ 0.41802, 0.34197 ]:

> CoM1 := [ 0.34348, 0.48842 ]:

> plotCM1 := pointplot( [ CoM0, CoM1 ], color=green ):

> display( [plotS,plotCM,plotCM1] );

[Maple Plot]
