Porous Catalyst


Prediction of the diffusion and reaction in a porous catalyst pellet is another important problem in chemical engineering. The reaction under consideration is A-> B which occurs inside the pellet. Mass balance and conservation of energy on the spherical pellet give:

D[e]/(r^2) diff(r^2*diff(c,r),r) - R(c,T) = 0 (6)
k[e]/(r^2) diff(r^2*diff(T,r),r) + (-Delta*H[R])*R(c,T) = 0

where c is the concentration of A, D[e] is the effective diffusivity, R(c,T) the reaction rate expression as a function of concentration c and temperature T , k[e] the effective thermal conductivity and -Delta*H[R] the heat of the reaction. Due to radial symmetry about the center of the pellet:

diff(c,r) = 0 , diff(T,r) = 0 , at r = 0 . (7)

On the surface of the pellet the quantities are at their bulk values:

c = c[0] , T = T[0] , at r = R . (8)

For a simple first-order irreversible reaction

R(c,T) = k[0]*c*exp(-Q/(R*T)) ;

the relationship between the reactant concentration and temperature at any point in the catalyst is given by [7]:

Delta*T = T-T[0] = (-Delta*H[R]*D[e])/k[e] ( c[0]-c ) .


Introducing dimensionless variables

gamma := Q/(R*T[0]) , beta := c[0]*(-Delta*H[R])*D[e]/(k[e]*T[0]) , y := c/c[0] ,

the reaction rate can be expressed as

R(y,T) = k[0]*c[0]*y*exp(gamma*beta*(1-y)/(1+beta*(... .

Substituting these into (6) and the boundary conditions (7) and (8) leads to the two-point BVP ([7])

diff(y,`$`(x,2)) + 2/x diff(y,x) = phi^2*y*exp(gamma*beta*(1-y)/(1+beta*(1-y))) ,

diff(y,x) = 0 at x = 0

y(1) = 1

where phi := R*sqrt(k[0]/D[e]) and x := r/R .


When expressed as a first-order system, this problem is easily solved by shoot for specific values of gamma , beta , and phi . For example:

> restart;

> with(Shoot):

Warning, the protected names norm and trace have been redefined and unprotected

Warning, the assigned name shoot now has a global binding

Note that there is a singularity at the initial point, x = 0 . We appear to have been fortunate that Maple V, Releases 3 and 4, handled this potential problem without any adverse effects. In Release 5 and Maple 6, Maple detects this problem and requires that the user indicate how to handle this problem and not count on our good fortune. In this case, the ``solution'' to this problem is to move the initial point to a point x = x[0] with x[0] >0.

> ODE:={ diff(y(x),x) = z(x),

> diff(z(x),x) = -2/x*z(x)

> + phi^2*y(x)

> *exp(gamma*beta*(1-y(x))

> /(1+beta*(1-y(x))) ) }:

> FNS:={ y(x), z(x) }:

> IC:={ y(x0)=alpha, z(x0)=0 }:

> BC:=y(1)=1:

> COEF:=[ gamma=30, beta=2/5, phi=3/10 ]:

> x0 := 0.0001:

> 'IC' = IC;

> S1:=shoot( subs(COEF,ODE), IC, BC, FNS,

> alpha=1, value=array([0,x0,1]) );

IC = {z(.1e-3) = 0, y(.1e-3) = alpha}

S1 := matrix([[vector([x, y(x), z(x)])], [matrix([[...

This answer agrees with the one reported in the original paper to eight significant digits.

The effectiveness factor, eta , for the reaction is the ratio of the average reaction rate with diffusion to the average reaction rate when the reaction rate is evaluated at the bulkstream (or boundary) values ([3, pp. 58--62], [8, p. 83]). Here is one way in which this quantity can be computed from the results returned by shoot :

> eta:=3/phi^2*D(c)(1) = subs(COEF,3/phi^2*dcdr1);

eta := 3*D(c)(1)/(phi^2) = 100/3*dcdr1

> dcdr1:=S1[2,1][3,3];

dcdr1 := .3231087063e-1

> 'eta'=rhs(eta);

eta = 1.077029021

As is well-known [8, pp. 87-88], for a given value of phi , the effectiveness factor can be multiple-valued. The other values can be obtained by starting the shooting method with different values of the control parameter:

> Sh:=shoot( subs(COEF,ODE), IC, BC, FNS,

> alpha=1/2, value=array([0,x0,1]) );

> dcdr1:=Sh[2,1][3,3]:

> 'eta'=rhs(eta);

Sh := matrix([[vector([x, y(x), z(x)])], [matrix([[...

eta = 10.83516831

> S0:=shoot( subs(COEF,ODE), IC, BC, FNS,

> alpha=0, value=array([0,x0,1]) );

> dcdr1:=S0[2,1][3,3]:

> 'eta'=rhs(eta);

S0 := matrix([[vector([x, y(x), z(x)])], [matrix([[...

eta = 85.15224690

The effectiveness factor has been computed for a wide range of values for gamma , beta , and phi . A sample of the results, for gamma = 30 , are displayed in the following plot. The four datasets displayed in this plot correspond to beta = .4 (box -- top curve), beta = .2 (dotted line -- second curve from top), beta = .1 (solid line -- second curve from bottom), and beta = 0 (dashed line -- bottom curve). The multiple values for the exothermic catalyst ( beta = .4 ) were obtained using different initial guesses for the control parameter ( alpha = 0 , alpha = .5 , and alpha = 1 ).


Plot not feasible to include here. Please refer to the original journal article, or contact the first author for a copy of this plot.
