Installation Instructions for the laylinalg Package

NOTE: Installation requires permission to write to the directory where Maple 10 is installed on your computer. If you do not have this level of permission, you will need to give these directions to a systems administrator who does have this permission.
  1. Identify the directory that contains the Maple 10 installation. Under Windows, this typically will be C:\Program Files\Maple 10.
  2. Download and extract the two files in this ZIP archive to the LIB directory in the Maple 10 installation. This directory is typically C:\Program Files\Maple 10\LIB.
  3. To test your installation of the laylinalg package, open Maple 10 and enter the command:

    > with( laylinalg );

    The response from Maple 10 should be

    laylinalg (version 3.0) -- A Maple Package containing Commands and Data for use with
    Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Updated Third Edition, 2006, by David C. Lay
    Copyright (c) 2007 by Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.

    [adjdat, bgauss, c1s1, c1s10, c1s2, c1s3, c1s4, c1s5, c1s6, c1s7, c1s8, c1s9,
    c1suppl, c2s1, c2s2, c2s3, c2s4, c2s5, c2s6, c2s7, c2s8, c2s9, c2suppl,
    c3s1, c3s2, c3s3, c3suppl, c4s1, c4s2, c4s3, c4s4, c4s5, c4s6, c4s7, c4s8,
    c4s9, c4suppl, c5s1, c5s2, c5s3, c5s4, c5s5, c5s6, c5s7, c5s8, c5suppl,
    c6s1, c6s2, c6s3, c6s4, c6s5, c6s6, c6s7, c6s8, c6suppl, c7s1, c7s2, c7s3,
    c7s4, c7s5, c7suppl, coordat, crypdat, cxeigdat, econdat, gauss, gs, indat,
    lsqdat, ludat, markdat, nulbasis, opendat, owldat, partdat, polyroots, proj,
    qrdat, qreigdat, randint, randstoc, ref, replace, roundat, rowdat, scale,
    schurdat, showdata, singdat, startdat, swap, visdat]
  4. To clean-up, delete the ZIP archive,, from your computer.