Step2: Gather Information

This problem seems, at first, to be rather complicated because of the number of parameters, functions, and equations that are involved. You will see, however, that the problem is not too difficult if the information is carefully organized.

The initial value problems for the remaining BOD, [Maple Math] , and the DO deficit, [Maple Math] , form the foundation of the problem.

> eqnL := diff( L(t), t ) = -kd*L(t);

[Maple Math]

> icL := L(0) = BODu;

[Maple Math]

> eqnD := diff( DD(t), t ) = kd*L(t) - kr*DD(t);

[Maple Math]

> icD := DD(0) = Do;

[Maple Math]


The parameters in this model are the deoxygenation and reaeration rates [Maple Math] and [Maple Math] and the initial conditions are the ultimate BOD, [Maple Math] , and the oxygen deficit level, [Maple Math] , when the pollutant is added to the water.

The solutions to these initial value problems are, provided [Maple Math] :

> SOLN := dsolve( { eqnL, eqnD, icL, icD }, { L(t), DD(t) } ):

> solnD := DD = eval( DD(t), SOLN ): solnD;

> solnL := L = eval( L(t), SOLN ): solnL;

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]


Other quantities of interest in the analysis include the amount of oxygen consumed by the waste organisms,

> solnY := y = L[0] - rhs( solnL );

[Maple Math]

and the dissolved oxygen level in the stream,

> solnDO := DO = DO[sat] - rhs(solnD);

[Maple Math]

where [Maple Math] is the temperature-dependent saturated DO level (which is obtained from the table). Also, let [Maple Math] (C) denote the water temperature and [Maple Math] (km/day) the stream velocity. Specific values for each of the parameters are collected below:

> DOvals := [ kd=0.4, kr=2.0, DOo=2.2, BODu=54.8 ];

[Maple Math]
