GSU-USC Commutative Algebra Seminar
Columbia, SC
April 14, 2007

The seminar represents a collaborative effort of commutative algebraists at Georgia State University and University of South Carolina to increase exposure of their research area in the South-East through periodic meetings.

  There will be one meeting in Atlanta and one meeting in Columbia each semester. For information about the Atlanta meeting please see web page for Atlanta meeting.


Andy Kustin (University of South Carolina)
Adela Vraciu (University of South Carolina)


11:05 - 11:55 Alina Iacob, University of North Carolina, Wilmington

  Title: Direct sums of DG-injective complexes

  Abstract: For a given ring $R$ we show that every direct sum of DG-injective complexes of $R$-modules is still DG-injective if and only if $R$ is noetherian and every complex of injective $R$-modules is a DG-injective complex. We use this result to prove that over a commutative noetherian ring of finite Krull dimension the class of DG-injective complexes is closed under direct sums if and only if the ring has finite global dimension. We also show that if $R$ is a commutative noetherian ring of finite Krull dimension such that $id M = \#-id M$ for any complex $M$, then $R$ has finite global dimension.

2- 2:50 pm Florian Enescu, Georgia State University

 Title: Frobenius depth

  Abstract: We will discuss a class of prime ideals, called F-stable primes, for rings of characteristic p, p prime. We will relate them to notion of Frobenius depth of a local ring as introduced and studied by Gennady Lyubeznik in his recent work, and, subsequently, work of A. K. Singh and U. Walther.

3:05 -3:55 pm Yongwei Yao, Georgia State University

  Title:Test exponents for Artinian modules

  Abstract: We prove the existence of a test exponent for any given Artinian R-module. Applying this result to the highest local cohomology module, we give an alternate proof of the existence of a test exponent for all ideals generated by (full or partial) systems of parameters (due to R. Y. Sharp). Time permitting, I will talk about how this is applied to modules of finite projective dimension and how this allows us to define a somewhat `new' F-rational signature. This is joint work with Mel Hochster.

$:10 -5 pm Hamid Rahmati, University of Nebraska, Lincoln

  Title: Contracting Endomorphisms and Gorenstein Modules

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