The following hotels and motels are located around the University of South Carolina and have special University rates for visitors. If you make a reservation at one of these hotels, indicate that you are wanting the University rate for visitors in order to obtain the rates indicated below. The amounts indicated below are room charges that are currently available.

Of these, Claussen's Inn is the closest to the meeting rooms followed by the Clarion Town House Hotel. Each would be just three or four blocks away. The others would require a bit more of a walk (about twice as far).


Since almost everyone at the conference will be arriving by car, it may be worth considering hotels that are not near the University and that are less expensive than those indicated above. A list of hotels in the Columbia metropolitan area can be found through lodging.yahoo.com. Since the conference is on the weekend, parking on campus during the meeting should not be difficult. We suggest trying the "B" parking lot on the corner of Pickens and Pendleton (next to buildings 30 and 32 on the Campus Map; also see the Directions to the Department and Other Locales).